P.O. Box 665, 11010 McMurphy Road, Atlanta, MI 49709   -   (989) 785-3278   -   avery.township.clerk@gmail.com

Avery Township Property Taxes


Avery Township Treasurer, Liz Culham
P.O. Box 728
Atlanta, MI 49709
Township Office Phone: 989-785-3278
Personal Cell Phone: 989-619-3587

Office hours:
Tuesdays, 8:30am - 11:20am (office open but Treasurer may not be in the office)
Monday, September 15th, 2024, 9:00am - 5:00pm
Monday, December 30th, 2024, 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday, February 14th, 2025, 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday, February 28th, 2025, 9:00am - 5:00pm


The township treasurer shall receive and take charge of money belonging to the township, or that is by law required to be paid into the township treasury, and shall pay over and account for the money, according to the order of the township board, or the authorized officers of the township.


Summer tax bills are generated on July 1st and due on or before September 14th of each year. After that date, a 1% per month interest is levied by law. The date is adjusted when it falls on a weekend or holiday in any given year.

Winter tax bills are generated on December 1st and due on February 14 of the following year. After that date, a 3% interest is levied until February 28 or 29. The date is adjusted when it falls on a weekend or a holiday.

On MARCH 1st of each year, both the unpaid Summer and unpaid Winter tax rolls go to the county for collection.

For DELINQUENT property tax information (previous year's taxes), please call the Montmorency County Treasurer at 989-785-8086.


  • By mail, to the address listed above
  • Drop off, your payment in the Black drop box that is located in front of the Avery Township Hall
  • On-line, payments are accepted using the link below
  • In person, during the office hours listed above

We are now able to accept online Credit and Debit Card payments! There is a convenience fee of 3% and a minimum of $1.00 for all transactions under $33.00 that is owed to the third-party vendor (PAYGOV) that accepts the payments. We accept VISA, MASTERCARD, and DISCOVER. Click the link below to pay online:

Paygov - Avery Township Online Tax Payment

To receive a receipt please include your email address or a self addressed, stamped envelope with your payment.

For current property tax amounts or general questions about current property tax, please contact Liz Culham, the Avery Township Treasurer.


For the most up to date forms that may be needed, as described below, please use this link and it will redirect you to the Avery Township Assessor's website: www.assessingoffice.com.

The Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) Affidavit must be completed and submitted to the ASSESSOR in order to qualify for this exemption (formerly known as homestead) on your taxes. The due date is June 1st for the summer bills and November 1st for the winter bills.

The Disabled Veterans Exemption Affidavit must be completed and submitted to the ASSESSOR to qualify for veterans exemption. You will also have to include a copy of your yearly entitlement letter. This is not to be completed until after January 1st but before December 1st.

The Property Transfer Affidavit must be submitted to the ASSESSOR whenever property changes ownership. This is mandated by law. If you have an attorney, realtor, mortgage or title insurance company handling your property transfer, they will most likely submit this form.

The Board of Review meets during the week of the second Monday in March each year. The exact date will be available on or around February 20th. If upon receiving your Assessment Change Notice you disagree with the value of your property or the classification you may schedule an appeal hearing with the March Board of Review or deliver a written appeal, attach the evidence you wish to be considered, and a completed Petition to Board of Review form prior to the last day of the Board of Review. Dates and times are listed on the Assessment Change Notice, which are mailed each year in the middle of February.

Property Tax Poverty Exemption

Resolution and guidelines for the township property tax poverty exemption.


Advanced Assessing Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 25, Rogers City, MI 49779
PHONE: (989) 734-3555
EMAIL: info@assessingoffice.com
WEBSITE: www.assessingoffice.com

Please contact the Assessor by phone or email with questions on any of the above referenced exemptions. Address changes for mailing of taxes and documentation of ownership change should also be mailed or emailed to the Assessor's office with a brief explanation of changes.


Financial assistance is available for homeowners that are stuggling to pay their past due property taxes.


  • Must own home and have proof of ownership
  • Household must have income
  • Participate in foreclosure counseling to help strengthen household financial well-being

Contact NEMCSA at 989-358-4653 to schedule an appointment to meet with at housing counselor and apply for assistance.


Web design and hosting by Jim Young, rebootandcall@gmail.com, 989.858.3530