Township Board and Committees:
The Avery Township Board meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. unless that day is a holiday or an election day, in which case the meeting will be held on the first business day following.
Township Board:
Thom Seymour, Supervisor, 989-785-3929, avery.township.supervisor@gmail.com
Diane Ives, Clerk, 989-306-0372, avery.township.clerk@gmail.com
Elizabeth (Liz) Culham, Treasurer, 989-619-3587, avery.township.treasurer@gmail.com
Dawn Dobbyn, Trustee
Gary McMurphy, Trustee
Other Township Officials:
Assessor: Advanced Assessing Services, Inc., 989-734-3555, PO Box 25, Rogers City, MI 49779, www.assessingoffice.com
Deputy Clerk: Cynthia Damoth, avery.township.depclerk@gmail.com
Deputy Clerk: Becca Smith, rzsmith24@gmail.com
Deputy Treasurer: Janette Sarkozi
Presque Isle Electric and Gas Liaison: Gary McMurphy
Sexton: Dane Englehart
Grounds Maintenance: Kirk Damoth
Zoning Administrator: Kathy Podzikowski, 989-786-4287, avery.township.zoning@gmail.com
Planning Commission:
Members: Nancy Mantz (Chair), Diane Ives, Diane Struzik, Bernard Yantz, Jessica Ziobron, Loren Bailor, Becca Smith
Meetings: 3rd Thursday, 6 p.m. at the township hall
Zoning Board of Appeals:
Members: Ann Seymour, Nancy Mantz, Cynthia Damoth; Alternate: Gary McMurphy
Zoning Board of Appeals is called as needed.
Board of Review:
Members: Nancy Mantz, Jessica Ziobron
Park Committee:
Members: Gary McMurphy, Kathleen Podzikowski, Ann Seymour, Cynthia Damoth
Tri-Township Fire Board:
Meeting dates: 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. at the Tri-Township Fire Department
Township representatives: Dawn Dobbyn, Lulabelle Mulholland
Ambulance Board:
Meeting dates: 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6 p.m. at the Avery Township Hall
Township representatives: Thom Seymour, Nancy Mantz
Airport Board:
Meeting dates: 2nd Thursday of the month, 5 p.m. at the airport building
Township representatives: Liz Culham, Robin Ross and Jay Cumper